Showing 2 Result(s)
SeatSuite Project Thumbnail

SeatSuite – In-Seat Ordering App

Project Type Web App Design and Development (x3) Project Date Dec 2017 - Jan 2019 SeatSuite was a business venture that developed from my school assignment. What started out as a concept for a full stadium app with multiple features turned into a web app that offered in-seat ordering at sporting events. SeatSuite allows fans …
Seatsuite Logo Project Thumbnail

SeatSuite Logo

Project Type Web App Design and Development (x3) Project Date December 2017 - January 2019 Tools/Skills Iterations, User Testing, Wireframing, Sketch, Photoshop PROJECT BRIEF What started out as an in-class design challenge eventually turned into the logo for my business, SeatSuite. Below outlines the creation process from start to finish and the many variations I worked …